Anaemia During Pregnancy: Symptoms, Causes And Prevention

Anaemia is a medical condition in which you don’t have enough healthy red blood cells to carry adequate oxygen to your tissues and has been discovered to occur in 80% of the pregnant women due to the excess amount of blood the body produces to help provide nutrients for the baby. Anaemia during pregnancy can be in two ways: it can be a mild condition and easily treated if discovered early and it can also be very severe and cause damage to the baby and mother, if not taken care of properly. SYMPTOMS OF ANAEMIA DURING PREGNANCY Most times, symptoms of anaemia can be mild at first and often go unnoticed. However, as it progresses, the symptoms become worsen. Also note that some symptoms could be due to a different cause other than anaemia, so talking to your doctor is strongly advised. Some common symptoms of anaemia are: -Excessive tiredness and weakness of the body -Pale skin and some body parts -Dizziness -Headaches -Shortness of breath -Irregular heartbeat -Chest pain CAUSES -Iron deficiency -Poor intake of iron in diet -Folic acid deficiency -Heavy menstrual bleeding -Ulcer COMPLICATIONS OF ANAEMIA DURING PREGNANCY -Preterm labour -Increased incidence of postpartum hemorrhage -Increased susceptibility […]

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Acid Reflux – Reasons and Remedies

Acid reflux is one of the most common health conditions experienced by many. Search engines are receiving many queries on daily basis about acidity and its remedies as little negligence may make this common problem turn chronic. Acid reflux occurs when the stomach acid flows back into the food pipe causing burning sensation in lower chest area. While acid reflux is commonly experienced by many after consuming oily and spicy food, there are few who also suffer from Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) where this condition is experienced twice or more in week. Though acid reflux is usually associated with wrong eating habits, there are many other underlying reasons triggering this condition. Some of the reasons and natural remedies for acid reflux are mentioned here to prevent this condition from getting chronic over time. What Causes Acid Reflux? Stomach acid is very strong as it is used for digestion and removal of unwanted microbes during the process. This is hydrochloric acid which is quite harsh in nature. The stomach lining is not affected by this acid as it is built for it. Esophagus and the upper gut are not used to these acids and hence burning sensation takes place when the […]

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Effect Of Laptop Heat : Toasted Skin Syndrome

Do you like working on your laptop computer with it sitting on your lap, heating up your legs ? If so, you might want to rethink that habit. Doing it a lot can lead to “toasted skin syndrome,” an unusual looking mottled skin condition caused by long-term heat exposure, according to medical reports. Laptop computers are small, portable and convenient. The portability allows its use almost anywhere. However, there are also health hazard associated with some applications of use that can be controlled by practicing good “ergonomics”. Ergonomics are those factors or qualities in the design of something, especially a workplace or equipment used by people at work, that contribute to comfort, efficiency, safety, and ease of use Using laptop computers placed on the lap has been suspected of causing health problems and may impact the musculoskeletal system, skin, and fertility. These potential impacts though not fully understood, are briefly reviewed below. We do know using a laptop computer on the lap can lead to awkward or non neutral postures and these postures can lead to strain and eventual aches and pains. To minimize risk of strain we suggest placing the laptop on a desk. Better still; try using a […]

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Modern Method Of Malaria Detection

Malaria is a life-threatening disease caused by plasmodium parasites that are transmitted to people through the bites of an infected female anopheles mosquito also called “malaria vectors”. There are five parasite species that cause malaria in humans, and of these five, Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax pose the greatest threat. P. falciparum is the most prevalent on the African continent. It is responsible for most malaria-related deaths globally. One of the reasons for this is that it is capable of passing through the blood brain barrier thereby causing cerebral malaria. The remaining species are not typically as life threatening as P. falciparum. The fifth species Plasmodium knowlesi – a species that infects primates found in Southeast Asia – has led to human malaria (zoonotic malaria), but the exact mode of transmission remains unclear. 3.2 billion people (almost half of the world’s population) are at risk of getting infected with this deadly infection. Sub-Saharan Africa region carries an extremely high share of the malaria burden. In 2015, the region was home to 88% of malaria cases and 91% of malaria deaths. Increased efforts are dramatically reducing the malaria burden in many places. An estimated 6.2 million deaths have been averted globally […]

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Staphylococcal Infections ; Symptoms, Prevention And Treatment

Staphylococcus is a group of bacteria that can cause diseases as a result of infections of various tissues of the body. It is a bacterial infection of the urinary tract, usually sexually transmitted. Usually accompanied with pus discharge and painful urination. Staphylococcus is more familiarly known as staph. Staph-related infections can range from being not severe and requiring no treatment to severe and potentially fatal. Symptoms of Staphylococci Severe waist pain Hotness of the body Movement of wormlike organisms in the body Low sperm count or no sperms – Azospermia General body weakness Quick ejaculation of sperms Chronic Cough Frequent Urination Infertility Watery semen Miscarriages Loss of ovulation Odour in the mouth Diseases Caused By Staphylococcus Lung disease (pneumonia) Infection of the heart valves (endocarditis) leading to heart failure It results in a localized collection of pus, known as an abscess or boil. Inflammation of bones (osteomyelitis) Cellulitis Different types of skin infections Mastitis (inflammation of the breast) Read also : Things You need to know about athlete’s foot How to prevent Staph-related Illness No vaccine is known to have the ability to prevent staphylococcus and the prevention of staph infections mainly requires paying attention to the risk factors that […]

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