How to Recognize the Early Signs of Dementia and What to Do

Dementia needs to be discussed constantly because it is such a ubiquitous part of people’s lives around the globe. Each of us knows at least someone who had to deal with a family member struck by this illness, and if you are truly unlucky, you have dealt with it head on – with one of your parents or both. Recognizing the early signs of dementia can be quite hard because it tends to be a matter of nuance, so if you have your doubts about your parent’s cognitive makeup, here’s how to recognize the early signs of dementia and what to do. Dementia is not Alzheimer’s disease Dementia is a syndrome that manifests due to a disease. Alzheimer’s disease is just one of the numerous maladies that can cause dementia. Interestingly enough, many people tend to equate these two terms as the same thing. Still, before you start to identify the symptoms of dementia, you need to be aware of this difference so you would not misdiagnose someone who can be blindsided by such information. Look at how to deal with dementia and Alzheimer’s patient effectively. What are the symptoms? Dementia tends to begin with memory problems, but don’t jump […]

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Different Types Of Ankle-Foot Orthosis And Their Respective Uses

If you have been having foot troubles lately and you can’t seem to understand why it is always in constant pain, then you might be suffering from “drop foot.” This disorder is basically characterized by the inability of a person to raise their foot at the ankle joint. Drop foot makes the simple act of walking very difficult because the toes tend to drag on the ground which makes a person easy to trip. Some people try to compensate by using their hips to lift their foot off the ground or sometimes, they would swing their legs outwardly ending with the foot clearing off the ground. These methods are called “steppage gait” and “circumduction”, respectively. The problem with drop foot, however, isn’t just the constant pain a person experiences but rather the underlying problems behind it. Drop foot can oftentimes be an indication of other health problems. In fact, chronic foot pains can even be caused by diabetes and when left untreated can further damage the nerves in your feet. Other conditions that may cause foot drop would include multiple sclerosis, stroke, sciatica, and spinal cord injury. Drop foot can either be unilateral (one foot) or bilateral (both feet) and […]

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The Problem of GERD and Its Remedies

GERD which is also Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease is one of the most common diseases that people face in today’s world. GERD happens when the acid in our stomach moves in the food pipe and the windpipe and creates a disturbance. Burning sensation, Trouble in breathing, bitterness in the mouth are the common symptoms of GERD. It might happen that the person might feel such problem only once or twice a month. In such case, it might not be GERD. When a person suffers from GERD they face the symptoms regularly. The prolonged problem of GERD can lead to many other issues. From cancer to damage of lower end of Esophagus, the problem of GERD can really lead to some serious issues. Therefore, it is advisable to take care of GERD issues as soon as you come to know about it. Though medical treatment is available for GERD it is recommended to people for following the natural way to control the problem of GERD. As consumption of medicines can lead to other serious problem the doctors also suggest the use of natural use of treating the problem of Acid reflux or GERD. Here are some of the Acid Reflux Home Treatment […]

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Herniated Disc – 7 Things That Can Help You

herniated disc

A herniated disc is a very unpleasant problem. It can press on the nerves along your spine, which can lead to pain, numbness or weakness in different parts of the body, including neck, back, arms, but also arms and legs. Unfortunately, these symptoms can be so frequent and intensive that they can lower the standard of your life. Sometimes the effects of a herniated disc can disappear after a couple of weeks, but you should help your body in the meantime to feel better and ease the pain. Just make sure you aren’t doing something that won’t work and concentrate on the following: 1. Collagen/bone broth diet Your body needs specific nutrients to heal the damaged area. More precisely, it needs collagen to repair the disc and tissue around it. Drinking bone broth every day is the first thing to start doing. You can make it yourself or buy it in a liquid form online. Two or three servings a day should become a habit. To combine it with other important nutrients, add celery, onions, carrots and chicken meat in it. It is also important to take more antioxidants in the form of blueberries, cranberries and dark chocolate. 2. Rest […]

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Bone Loss : Signs, Symptoms and Prevention

bone loss

Bone loss can also be known as Osteopenia. As we age, our bones start to weaken and we start to experience bone loss. Although this is a natural part of the ageing process, there are things you can do to strengthen your bones and improve bone density. Below we’ll go into the signs and symptoms of bone loss (osteopenia). We’ll also go over natural tips and tricks for improving your bone health. Signs and Symptoms of Bone Loss: One of the major signs that we see in people with weak bones is a propensity for bone breaks. While this is the number one major event to look out for, there are many other smaller signs that could signal the start of bone loss. Weakened Grip Strength. In a recent study of postmenopausal women, grip strength was the most important physical test factor related to overall bone mineral density. Fortunately, improving handgrip strength and overall muscle strength is achievable, no matter what your age. For more information on increasing muscle strength, read further down in this article for exercise tips.   Weak and brittle fingernails. Unhealthy fingernails tends to be one of the biggest indicators of weakened, brittle bones. Recent science […]

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